Category Archives: Film & Video

FILM: Searching for a Golden Cage

Kim Goldberg

May 11, 2014

Jennifer Wood's cabin in Greenbank, West Virginia.

Jennifer Wood’s cabin in Greenbank, West Virginia.

“Search for a Golden Cage” is the latest documentary film to capture the challenging reality of living with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). In this well-produced, 12-minute documentary, photographer and filmmaker Nadav Neuhaus introduces us to three unrelated people with EHS – each struggling to find a safe haven in our increasingly electrified world.

Electrosensitive people can experience extreme pain and illness from exposure to wireless devices such as cell phones, cordless phones, smart meters, wi-fi, as well as other everyday sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Watch the complete film here: 

Jennifer Wood, Greenbank, West Virginia

“I’ve had to give up every single thing in my life because of this illness,” says Jennifer Wood.

The film opens with architect Jennifer Wood, who now lives in a tiny cabin she built in the mountains of Greenbank, West Virginia. The small community of Greenbank has, in recent years, become famous as a safe haven for so-called “WiFi Refugees” – people who cannot tolerate wireless radiation. Greenbank houses the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which makes it part of the US Radio Quiet Zone, so that the radio telescopes can monitor sounds from outer space without interference.

Jennifer first became electrosensitive in 1996. At her worst, she weighed a mere 77 pounds and was near death. She now lives without electricity or running water. We watch her heat her kettle on her woodstove.

“I’ve had to give up every single thing in my life because of this illness,” Jennifer says. “I didn’t do it because I wanted a natural lifestyle. I did it to survive… More and more people are getting extremely ill from this and are being displaced from their homes,” she adds. “They are calling us ‘WiFi Refugees'”.

Dafna Tachover visits 60 rural homes and finds only one where she can live without pain from wireless radiation.

Dafna Tachover visits 60 rural homes and finds only one where she can live without pain from wireless radiation.

Next we drop in to the life of lawyer Dafna Tachover as she searches for a safe place to live in the rural countryside of upstate New York. Dafna researched 500 possible homes, and physically visited 60 of them with her radio frequency meter in hand. Out of all that searching, she found only one house she could tolerate.

Dafna’s electrosensitivity cost her everything –  her marriage, her ability to work. At one point she found herself sleeping in her car for seven months. 

In the words of David Carpenter, director of University of Albany’s School of Public Health, “We live in a wireless world, in an electrified world, and there are very few places one can go to that would reduce exposure.”

Musician Andrew McAfee sleeps in an underground bunker to shield himself from wireless radiation each night.

Musician Andrew McAfee sleeps in an underground bunker to shield himself from wireless radiation each night.

Professional musician Andrew McAfee had to go underground to reduce his exposure and get a decent night’s sleep. He built a subterranean concrete bunker beneath his home in Raleigh, North Carolina, and that’s where he sleeps most nights.

“I’m worried about people knowing I have a bunker,” says Andrew. “Being a professional musician and a horn player and a conductor – it’s just a little weird that’s where I sleep most of the time.”

Dr. Carpenter estimates that 2-3 per cent of the population now suffers from electrosensitivity. Some experts put the figure higher still. And of course, there are many ill people who have not yet identified the cause of their malaise as being wireless radiation and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Most people with EHS go for months or even years before accurately diagnosing the cause of their problem.

The film closes with Dafna telling us that, after one year in her rustic radiation-free home, the biggest change in her life is that she now smiles again.

Dafna Tachover: "I now smile again"

Dafna Tachover: “I now smile again”

Article © Kim Goldberg, 2014
Images from the film “Search for a Golden Cage” by Nadav Neuhaus

FILM: Where Can We Live?

by Kim Goldberg – April 19, 2014

Where Can We Live?

Length: 42 minutes

Year: 2011

Language: Swedish with English subtitles

Producer/Director: Hélène Aastrup-Samuels

Company: Eira Film


Watch the 7-minute trailer here:

Where Can We Live is a 2011 documentary film by director Hélène Aastrup-Samuels tracing the lives of two unrelated Swedish women and their young families as each woman, in her own way, struggles to find peace and safety from the toxicity of wireless radiation. Lisa and Linn are electrosensitive, and each has been forced to abandon the life she knew (including job, home, education, and city) in order to escape the nearly ubiquitous presence of wireless devices.

The director and her crew followed each woman for three years to produce a film that reveals both the logistical and psychological price paid by those suffering from this growing environmental illness. The final result is a narrative work that switches back and forth between the two unfolding sagas throughout the course of the 42-minute film.

The film opens with Lisa and her young children at their small off-grid cottage in the Swedish countryside. For many of us, this would be an idyllic existence. But when one is required to live this way—far from the amenities of the city, and with no electricity—it can also be confining. For Lisa, it meant the end of her academic studies and her ability to have a paying job, relying instead on her husband to support them all.

Within minutes, the film cuts away to Linn’s story, which begins in Stockholm where she is a computer engineer. By the end of the film, after several moves and job changes, Linn is also ensconced in a country home with minimal exposure to electromagnetic radiation. She is still a computer engineer, but she is now enclosed in a specially designed workplace with much shielding.

Lisa found peace from electro-pollution by moving to an off-grid cottage in the Swedish countryside with her family. (Photo courtesy of Eira Film)

Lisa found peace from electro-pollution by moving to an off-grid cottage in the Swedish countryside with her family. (Photo courtesy of Eira Film)

The director’s cinéma vérité style of filmmaking, in which the camera follows each woman in her daily activities and lets each woman speak directly to the camera about the impact of electrosensitivity of her life, ends up supplying us with a startlingly frank portrait of the full scope of electrosensitivity. (And, although this may not have been the director’s intention, the film is also an excellent travelogue for life in the Swedish countryside. I was ready to pack my bags by the end of the film.)

A highlight of the film is the “house call” from Swedish electrosensitivity physician Dr. Ulrika Åberg, who has seen more than 700 electrosensitive patients over 15 years of treating this problem. Recognizing that electrosensitive people are often unable to travel or return to a city, she goes to them when necessary. We meet her when she arrives by bus to visit Lisa in the countryside.

Dr. Åberg describes Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity as “a barrel overflowing”. On the bottom, she says, “we have metal fillings and other toxins from pesticides and other things.” Add to that, the ever-increasing radiation in our daily lives, plus the emotional and psychological and financial stress that results when a person can no longer function as before, and it is a recipe for total health collapse.

To order a copy of the film, email:

Article © Kim Goldberg, 2014

VIDEO: Dr. Magda Havas, Live Blood Analysis & EMR

By Kim Goldberg

April 11, 2014

Watch this 2 ½ minute video featuring Live Blood Analysis done before and after exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation, with Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario.


Dr. Havas examines her own blood under a microscope three times over a three-hour period on August 20, 2009.

In the first examination, she was in an environment with no significant electromagnetic radiation. She found that her red blood cells were round, some were separate and some were sticking to others. This is healthy-looking blood.

The second examination was done after she had spent 70 minutes working on a computer. The majority of her red blood cells were now sticking together like long stacks of coins—an appearance known as “Rouleaux Formation”.

The third examination was done after she had used a cordless phone for 10 minutes. There were now no separate cells. All were organized into Rouleaux Formation, and the separate “stacks of coins” seemed themselves to be stuck to one another. This is what doctors see in cancer patients.

The clumping of red blood cells into Rouleaux Formation interferes with the delivery of oxygen and the removal of waste products like carbon dioxide. It also results in poor circulation since capillaries are often just wide enough for a single red blood cell to squeeze through at a time.

Consequently, some of the symptoms a person may experience if their red blood cells are locked in Rouleaux Formation are:



-difficulty concentrating

-numbness, tingling, cold extremities

-heart and blood pressure problems

-risk of stroke 

Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening…

FILM: Take Back Your Power, Coming to Nanaimo

By Kim Goldberg 

October 22, 2013 

Take Back Your PowerThree Vancouver Island screenings of the phenomenal new documentary film about smart meters, Take Back Your Power, are coming up next month: 

Nov. 5 (Tuesday) – NANAIMO: John Barsby Secondary School at 7th & Bruce, 7:00-9:00 pm. in the Multipurpose Room. Admission by donation (suggested: $5) 

Nov. 14 (Thursday) – LADYSMITH: Eagles Hall, First Avenue, 1:30-3:30 pm. Admission by donation (suggested: $5)

Nov 17 (Sunday) – NANAIMO: Harbourfront Library, 90 Commercial Street, 1:00-3:00 pm.

DVDs of the film will be available for purchase for $20 at each of these screenings. 

I recently had the opportunity to view Take Back Your Power. It is a chilling but essential look at the true risks and consequences of wireless “smart meters” that measure household electrical consumption—devices that have been forcibly installed on homes and business across BC and beyond. 

Produced and directed by Vancouver filmmaker Josh del Sol, this 90-minute film is fast-paced, smartly edited and truly riveting. It goes well beyond the conventional (if snoozy) cinematic terrain of “talking heads.” 

Vancouver filmmaker Josh del Sol

Vancouver filmmaker Josh del Sol

Del Sol travels the continent and even the globe in search of the ominous truth about the worldwide push for smart meters and the global smart grid they are creating. And what he finds in the wake of smart meter installation are soaring hydro bills, house fires, violations of privacy and property, civil liberty infractions, and even national security threats arising from the supreme hackability of a ‘smarted’ national infrastructure. 

The film concludes with copious evidence of the profound health risks associated with pulsed wireless radiation, which these meters are constantly emitting. 

It is hard to imagine how any impartial person (that is, anyone not under the spell of industry or misguided faux-green thinking) could view this film and not instantly want to go home and rip their wireless smart meter off the side of their home and replace it with an “old-fashioned” and safe analogue meter—or, failing that, go off-grid altogether. 

Visit Take Back Your Power on Facebook: 

And on the web:

VIDEO: Mold Toxins Skyrocket with EMR Exposure

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt narrates this 5–minute video recounting the discovery of a Swiss scientist who grew mold cultures first in a faraday cage (shielded from ambient electromagnetic radiation) and then exposed to ambient EMR in the lab.

The mold cultures were initially shielded from ambient EMR by having a silver-coated cloth draped over them, effectively creating a faraday cage.

When the cloth was removed and the mold cultures were exposed to the ambient EMR in the lab, coming from the lights, computer and nearby cell phone tower, the molds produced more than 600 times the quantity of biotoxins that they produced when shielded from EMR.

And the biotoxins produced by the molds weren’t simply more plentiful, they were also more potent and virulent.

This finding could explain many things – from the rise of ‘superbugs’ sweeping through entire hospital wards (hospitals are bristling with cell towers, wifi and EMR in general), to the reason that some people are far more sensitive to EMR than others. The sensitive people may well have an underlying Candida infection or other microbial infection that is flooding their bodies with biotoxins in response to the exposure to wireless emissions and other sources of EMR.

-Kim Goldberg