Nanaimo Author Gets Grant To Research Wi-Fi Sickness

Media Release – April 17, 2013

Kim GoldbergNanaimo author Kim Goldberg has been awarded a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts to write a book about people who are physically sickened by their exposure to wireless technology.

“I was thrilled to learn that this project will be supported,” says Goldberg, who holds a degree in biology and has no wireless devices in her own home. “It will require a huge amount of time and work because the problem is literally global in scope.”

Goldberg says people are already contacting her with their stories of debilitating illness, job loss, critically sick children in Wi-Fi’ed classrooms, relocation to remote settings, sleeping in homemade Faraday cages—all due to their exposure to some form of electromagnetic radiation, usually wireless.

“Where do you go when an invisible matrix spanning the globe is making you sick?” Goldberg asks.

“I have been shocked by the number and intensity of the stories flooding in to me. We seem to be witnessing a growing electroplague,” she says. “I think these electro-sensitive people, and the special sanctuaries cropping up around the world to keep them safe, may be harbingers of a future we are all hurtling toward.”

Goldberg maintains that Canada and the United States lag far behind Europe in recognizing the risks and protecting the public from constant exposure to wireless transmissions from cell phones and towers, Internet Wi-Fi and other sources.

“In England, many people afflicted with electro-sensitivity were first diagnosed by their own doctors,” says Goldberg. “Here in Canada, you would be hard-pressed to find a doctor who even believes electro-sensitivity is medically valid, let alone knows how to diagnose it.”

Goldberg has written extensively on environmental topics for newspapers and magazines in Canada and abroad. She is the author of four nonfiction books and two collections of poetry.

You can follow her progress online at

58 thoughts on “Nanaimo Author Gets Grant To Research Wi-Fi Sickness

  1. Lee-Anne Dore

    Congratulations Goddess Kim Goldberg,
    the research should lend to a faction story on the now into the next present-reminds me of a sci-fi story or two that I have read yet it is right now in my own back yard. Power UP.

  2. nanaimo

    I think doing research into wireless caused illness is fine, but …. Why do you need MY money to write YOUR book. Who funded your other books?

    1. Kim Goldberg Post author

      John, if you’re unhappy about public funds being used to support literary and other artistic works in this country, then you need to address your gripe to federal legislators of the last 56 years, because that’s how long the Canada Council has been awarding grants to writers and artists. I am simply availing myself of funds I am eligible to apply for. I’d be silly not to.

      As for my previous six books, they have all received some degree of public funding through arts councils and various government agencies. It’s called earning a living as a literary author in Canada. Thanks for stopping by the website. 😉

  3. fred reemeyer

    I wonder if I should be part of your study ? I have been around wireless technology since a teen and im now 50 ?

    F Reemeyer

  4. gary

    I am able to diagnose problems in the body using the pulse, and I can tell you that these gadgets are putting heat into the energy of the liver, the liver qi (energy) controls much of the bodys anatomy and physiology.

      1. paulvonharnish

        Hello Kim,
        Excessive qi heat (yang) in the liver is for real in many EM sensitive individuals. I can no longer afford my acupuncturist due to EM caused disability, but yang heat in the liver is often reported along with insufficient water (yin) in the kidney. For any readers who happen to know an acupuncturist, you may wish to pass this link on to them.

        Click to access pulseelectronicageradiation.pdf

        I found acupuncture was extremely effective at relieving the worst of my symptoms, but EM radiation illness is progressive and ultimately fatal. The only remedy is to remove the offensive environmental toxin, and then hope the body system can repair the damage. In my case it’s too late. I’ll be dead in less than two years.

        Thanks everyone for purchasing dangerous electronic devices you know absolutely nothing about. Also thanks for stupidly supporting criminal organizations like Verizon, BC Hydro, PG&E, our various war criminal governments, and the sick pukes who tell untruths for the FCC and “Environmental Protection Agencies”.

  5. seanarthurjoyce

    Great that you’re doing this book Kim. I’ve been researching this issue since 2007 when Telus first proposed a cell tower in our community. Sadly the telecommunications industry basically wrote the legislation governing EMR exposure levels in North America. If you need contacts I can put you in touch with Sharon Noble of the Stop Smart Meters campaign or Una St. Clair of Citizens for Safe Technology, both of whom could put the call out for subjects.

      1. Angel Martín Jaén

        Thanks Kim, I´m fighting against this new holocaust from Spain. There thousand of people very affected here. I´m contacting doctors, politicians, scientists, sick people… If you don´t understand the videos because they are in spanish, try to find someone to translate them… After 18 months of agony, changing nine times the residence, sleeping in basements, my mother couldn´t live anymore in that horrible situation… The dentist even removed five implants that worked as signal amplifier provoking her huge pain in her throat and ears. They burnt because the electric signal around the implants touched the nerve trigeminum and make her crazy….

    1. paulvonharnish

      Hello Angel: So sorry to hear your mother’s story. I can totally relate. I’ve been EM sensitive my whole life, but the last six years have been total hell. The world is an ugly and painful nightmare to an EM sensitive. It’s not worth living here anymore. I can’t wait to die.

    2. paul lewis

      thank you for sharing these videos Angela. I have a daughter now aged 11 who we removed from School (and her younger sister) when she was ill due to the wifi network. The government and school dont care and so many people seem to switch off when you explain to them that we are all affected by this it is just that some people show effects sooner than others.


      1. Angel Martín Jaén

        This is a globalized problem as many others. All of us are affected by the electromagnetic fields. The electrosensitives can feel the emf with direct symptoms, the rest of the humans will get sick with no idea about the cause…. We must fight for informing the rest of the people about the disaster that is already comming…

    1. Kim Goldberg Post author

      Thanks for posting, Toni. I think the battle over wifi in schools will be one of the biggest fights in years to come since it involves the wholesale and compulsory irradiation of children.

      1. Saraswati

        Thank you for doing this. I am most concerned about schools being wired. School boards defend these systems, quote Health Canada guidelines which are apparently 100 times more lax than that of China and don’t seem to recognize that the risks of providing wireless to school children drastically outweigh the perceived “benefits” (of children being able to bring their own devices and use tablets and mp3 players) which can increase the amount of microwave radiation exposure to over Health Canada’s limits (when their wifi transmitters are left on).

  6. Pingback: Wi-Fi exiles signal a coming plague - Columbian Centre Society

  7. Veronica

    The United States is indeed behind in recognizing EHS and the dangers inherent in radio frequency radiation. I’m sure it is because the telecom industry has so much money and such a strong lobby. Corruption is everywhere here–government officials, government agencies, everywhere. if there is an industry who can line the pockets of the govenment–then by all means they do what they want. There aren’t any researchers that I am aware of who are advocating for EHS acceptance here. The EHS suffers are stigmatized and demeaned. They treat it as a mental illness. I am 50 years old and developed EHS after moving into my dream home. I worked my whole life for this and after 4 months developed EHS due to the smartmeters in and on my home. Plus, there are at least 4 cell towers in eyesight and several more just out of sight. This is a plague on the world and very few are sounding the alarm. Of those who are, they are also being dismissed, demeaned, marginalized and stigmatized. I cry everyday due to the suffering that I am going through and the fact that it is not going to change. I worry about the three beautiful children that I have and how this affects them. How will this end??? Will it take 40 or more years the way the cigarette thing did?? Will it be denied and litagated the way asbestos was?? Will it be like lead in paint and gas??? How about he safety of mercury??? Money talks and sick people suffer in silence.

    1. Kim Goldberg Post author

      Excellent questions and points, Veronica. I believe Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity will become the pre-eminent health issue of the 21st century. Thanks for stopping by the website and sharing your thoughts here. Stay strong!

  8. June Salmon

    Hi Kim, I am Electromagnetic Hypersensitive, I find one of the problems is inflammatory response. Sputum build up in ear, nose throat and chest, Increases in blood sugar and blood pressure. I have had to leave work as a Registered Nurse since they put WiFi throughout the hospital. I am lucky though I have the support of some people in my area with similar stories. When I could hardly stand in the butcher shop, he said to me “Are you allergic to my fridge? I have another customer that is” We are now friends.

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  19. Pingback: EMF-Harm Interview with Kim Goldberg | Refugium

  20. Pingback: George Parker: Military Exposure to Wireless Radiation | Refugium

  21. Pingback: Author Kim Goldberg Joins the Show ~ Refugium: Wi-Fi Exiles & The Coming Electroplague | BOIL THE FROG SLOWLY ~ radio with hosts Sebastian & Pat ~ Are politics hazardous to your health?

  22. Pingback: SPEAK UP and STAY ALIVE | Kim Goldberg Joins the Show – Refugium: Wi-Fi Exiles & The Coming Electroplague

  23. Pingback: BOIL THE FROG SLOWLY ~ radio with hosts Sebastian & Pat ~ Are politics hazardous to your health?

  24. Pingback: EMF Refugee | Truth11

  25. Jennifer vinvelli

    I am sick, I posted my story on FB in response to your article, but that just scratched the surface. I am a research neuroscientist but I’ve lost everything to this… fb is jennifer Vincelli and the email is, I have worked on rewording my belief system and have found a renewed and totally beautiful spiritual life through suffering but I would love some EMF RF relief while I’m currently court ordered to stay in Los Angeles by the family courts through the duration of my custody evaluation. My phone is 310-663-4725. I feel poisoned, electrobombarded, exhausted and in chronic pain and not surprising my spine is degenerating…. But I also have a role to play in this as a scientist, teacher, mother, botanist, humanitarian, Waldorf education advocate and hopefully teacher in the near future, organic biodynamic gardener, herbalist and bee keeper.

    1. Kim Goldberg Post author

      Hi Jennifer. Thank you for sharing some details of your situation. It sounds like you are in a very bad situation. So many are now suffering from the poison of electropollution and wireless technology. Yet these technologies continues to expand their reach and intensity and saturation…

  26. Pingback: Wi-Fi Refugees | Canaries in a Coal Mine? | OUR GREATER DESTINY

  27. Pingback: Wi-Fi Refugees | Canaries in a Coal Mine? | Truth about wireless | OUR GREATER DESTINY

  28. Eileen Bengston

    Hi Kim

    I am 60 years old and have experienced electromagnetic and chemical sensitivity for years. At age 27 I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus in both of my kidney, A year later I had it in my blood ( my blood would not clot properly ) I was on steroids and immunosuppressive drugs for 4 years. As a result my adrenal system began to shut down and I was told by an internist in Florida that I was slowly dying. So I came home and went off all my drugs and began an 11 year journey into healing my body. If you would like to know more about what I did to regain my health I would be happy to share.


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